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Fast growing and best performing sector


Fast growing and best performing sector

Fast growing and best performing sector
Shared Service Centres (SSC) in Hungary

The first regional service centres appeared in Hungary at the end of the 1990s. There are around 80 Shared Service Centres (SSC) in Hungary, employing more than 30,000 workers by now. SSCs have a proven track record in the country and leading global corporations operate their centres in Hungary such as Exxon Mobile, British Petrol, Vodafone, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Citibank, British Telecom and Diageo. The SSC industry has become one of the fastest growing and best performing sectors in the Hungarian economy.

Based on a comprehensive and representative survey PwC conducted in 2013, SSC leaders are very pleased with the operation of their Hungarian centres: the initial targets have been met, and setting up the centre in Hungary proved to be the right decision. If the surveyed companies had to decide now, they would establish their SSC in Hungary again. The survey results also indicate a high degree of customer and employee satisfaction. More importantly, most of the participating centres are planning further expansion and growth in the country in the near future.

The key considerations for selecting a location for an SSC are generally consistent globally: relatively low labour cost and the availability of skilled workforce being the most decisive factors. Infrastructure and the economic environment of the country also play an important role when making investment decisions. Although quality of life and other subjective elements typically have less significance, often these make the real difference when similar countries or locations are in head-to-head competition. Hungary has a strong competitive positions in all of these areas.

to find more please read complete article on www.pwc.com


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